New registration date added for February 19th
** Click on Red Bar below for link to online registration
**If you would like to pay via check or cash at one of the in-person registrations, please enter "summer25" in discount code box at end of online registration
**Dates of in-person registration are below to pick up candy or pay via cash or check. Candy is available until sold out so we would recommend you getting to in-person registration.
Registration will begin in late January online with the following in-person registration dates. In-person registration is held at the old Rec Dept at 85 Morningside Drive, FDL behind Woodworth Middle School
Wednesday, February 12th (6-8pm)- Canceled
Saturday, February 15th (8am- 10am)- Canceled
Wednesday, February 19th (6-8pm)- added date
Picture Day will be Saturday, May 3rd
Regular season will begin week of May 5th.
Season will end the week of July 14-17
Dockspiders game- Fondy Youth Baseball Celebration- Friday, July 18
**3rd and 4th Grade will be combined into one league unless we get at least 40 players in each age group. Teams would still consist of mainly 3rd graders or 4th graders similar to how we do 5th/6th grade.
** 3rd Grade will use same rules as 4th Grade
**Pitching rules for 3rd-6th grade will change from limit of 2 innings to limit of pitching 6 outs
** California rule will be instituted for all extra inning games
** Board is considering using artificial turf mounds for 3rd-6th Grades
High school and Youth Baseball Needs Umpires!!
Adults start at $35 per game for youth and you get 2 games per night or you could even due high school or travel baseball games for $75+ per game
Register now to become an umpire!
The Fond du Lac School District approved a renovation project at the baseball complex located next to Woodworth Middle School. The project consisted of new fencing and dugouts on the Varsity baseball diamond along with a turf infield. The project also includes a new concessions stand with additional bathrooms and a attached pavilion. Work is also being done to add a drop off area on Morningside Drive that includes new handicap parking and walkway up to the complex.
Click on red bar above and like our new facebook page. The old page out on facebook was hacked and is no longer usable.
"Youth sports is dominated by adult emotions. Shouldn't be that way. Was never meant to be that way. It's about the kids and only the kids. Adults, stop hijacking the game from them, leave your personal desires at home and give the game back to them"
Code of Conduct Reminders; These are set by Fondy Youth Baseball and the Fond du Lac School District and pertain to coaches, players, and all fans.
1) Did you have fun?
2) Did you try your best?
3) Did you support your teammates?
4) Were you a positive leader?
5) What did you learn
And wrap it up by saying...
"I love watching you play"